The Importance of Probate Services in NSW
We work with compassion, empathy, and efficiency to make that the Probate process runs as smoothly and quickly as possible.
So, why talk to us? Because we care, and we can help. Here is how:

Estate Planning - Estate Planning, a guide to creating wills in NSW
An effective estate plan protects your family members, creates asset protection and gives peace of mind. It considers your unique family circumstances, financial situation, real estate, the existence of discretionary family trusts, and details the best way forward for your family's future as well as your own.

Are you getting bogged down?
Estate Planning - are you Getting bogged down?
Many people put Estate Planning in the too hard basket because there are too many things to think about. You don't have to get bogged down in details like who gets what because when the time comes, you might not even have those things.

What is a Will and who are the major players?
Your Will is like an instruction book that tells who you want to give your belongings to and what you would like each person to receive. Your executor follows your instruction book and gives out your belongings. The persons who receive your belongings as gifts through your Will are called your beneficiaries.
Your will can appoints your executor, the legal guardian of your minor children, and shares your wishes on where and how you are laid to rest.

Collaborative Family Law - It’s not about percentages
Percentages do not create options, they create disharmony. A win-lose mentality. Unlike traditional adversarial family law, Collaborative Family Law is lawyer-assisted, not lawyer-driven. You are the driver and the lawyers offer support and advice. Lawyers help you work through the issues, doing a bit of a pro and cons analysis to generate solutions that tie in with your goals.

What happens to your family if you die tomorrow?
It's a morbid awful thought without doubt. Yet it happens, every day.
50% of Australians "haven't got around to doing their Will" and a further 25% of Australians did their Will so long ago that they don't know where it is or what it says.
This means that 75% of Australians don't have a proper Will.

Estate Planning Health Check
Your Estate Plan ‘Health Check’ in 4 quick questions
1. Is your Will:
• Current (up to date with changes in your life),
• valid,
• comprehensive (covers all of your assets)
• protective (against challenges and loss), and
• addressing all of your legal obligations?
2. How are you gifting non-estate assets such as:

How to Estate Plan?
We often get asked how the Estate Planning process works? At AR Legal, we simplify estate planning into easy steps and plain English speak. This blog helps you understand our process.
Step One: Assemble.
We gather all your information and work out what you have, how it is legally owned, your wishes for gifting plus your wishes for caring and protecting your dependents. We also identify what other information is needed
Step Two: Enhance

Talking Taboos
When talking Estate Planning or really, any service, the big taboo topic is price. How much does it cost and why??

An Estate Planning Horror Story
How to future plan to be certain that your legacy benefits your family.

Estate Planning is always last on the to-do list
It is human nature to put things on a to-do list and "get around to it".